🏛Brandon Pittman

On Learning Latin

Last updated on 2022-08-08

First things first

This video will show you the pages from the first chapter of Familia Romana and let you hear what classical Latin should sound like. You should be able to understand all of the Latin and you'll probably feel empowered.

If you enjoy it, buy the following:

These books are the most important. The textbook is the basis of everything and Colloquia Personarum gives you extra practice with recently learned vocabulary and grammar as well as filling in the story of characters in the main text. The exercises are helpful for reinforcing what you learn and the teacher's materials are the only way to check if you actually got the right answers. I waited too long to buy these and I regretted not buying them sooner. Companion will provide you with more context, a glossary, and grammar listings (in Latin).

If you hit chapter 20 and are still enjoying it, buy:

Colloquia Personarum runs out after chapter 24, so if you want more practice in that style, buy Fabulae Syrae.